How to write a research paper: a perspective.
This post is about how to write a research paper (oh boy, starting the blog off with a rant). Over the course of the past few years I have read well upward of 60 papers in each of Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Computer/Datacenter Networking and Computer Architecture. Yes, this is boasting, I know, but it has two advantages: 1) It helps add weight to my argument. 2) If you're reading this probably you are a recruiter collecting information about me in about 3-5 years time (there is otherwise no reason anyone would read a random technical blog), and so I should try to impress you (or should I?) After reading these papers, I have found that the "paper-writing" (research) industry is plagued with bad practices. Almost all courses involving reading papers start with a paper titled "How to read a paper", yet we do not teach how to WRITE one (maybe we do, but anyway...) Thus I have decided to make the job of writing a paper slightly easier by telling you (and...